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Why do people get depressed in the days after taking ecstasy?
1:22 pm
What causes a hangover? Does some alcohol cause a worse hangover?
2:44 pm
Is 'dry retching' dangerous?
2:17 pm
Does taking MDMA cause 'holes in the brain'?
12:52 pm
Is cannabis legal in Amsterdam or the Netherlands?
2:57 pm
What's the difference between a 'blackout' and 'passing out'?
9:40 am
What's the difference between pills and caps? Do caps have more MDMA?
12:59 pm
Do 'tactical vomits' work and are they dangerous?
2:39 pm
How much caffeine is too much? Can you die from drinking too much caffeine?
10:57 am
What is a 'caution' and does it show up on a criminal record?
8:55 am
Does champagne get you drunk faster than other alcohol?
12:07 pm
Was cocaine really used to make Coca Cola?
2:59 pm
What is the 'Asian glow' and why does it happen when I drink alcohol?
11:59 am
Are all cannabis edibles the same? Do some not get you stoned?
11:56 am
Is vaping safer than smoking?
11:41 am
What are cannabis edibles and are they dangerous?
11:07 am
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