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Showing posts from July, 2016
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What is PMA and why is it so dangerous?
12:00 am
How does roadside drug testing work and why don't you see this as much as RBT?
12:00 am
What is Salvia and why is everyone at my school talking about it?
12:00 am
What is 'jungle juice' and is it dangerous?
12:00 am
How do you know if you have to call an ambulance to a drunk person?
12:00 am
Why are spirits more 'dangerous' than other forms of alcohol?
12:00 am
Can smoking weed once have a lasting effect?
12:00 am
Does vomiting sober you up?
12:00 am
How long should I wait before driving after drinking if I'm on my P-plates?
12:00 am
My friend has a problem with weed. What can I do?
3:00 pm
Can using mouthwash cause a 'positive' RBT? What about an 'Up & Go'?
12:00 am
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